Thursday, April 2, 2009


From March 21st to April 19th, we are influenced and governed by the energies of Aries. Aries marks the beginning of the zodiac and sets in motion the divine energies that will influence the themes of the coming twelve months. According to Carl Japikse and Robert Leichtman in their book The Forces of the Zodiac, "the specific forces which burst forth each year in Aries are the divine will to create and the will to manifest.... The work of Aries is to stimulate evolutionary change in our thinking and approach to life. The forces of this time endeavor to change our priorities, perspectives, and what we strive toward, bringing these elements of our character more into alignment with divine will and divine plans."

To take full advantage of the forces that are upon us in April, we must create and participate cooperatively with life by ALLOWING our essence, our soul, and our highest potential to come forth. We can choose to become like the budding flowers in spring or like the Tulips outside of my front door that continue to grow in spite of the snow. In each of us, lies dormant seeds that are waiting to blossom. We must get out of their way and allow the natural unfolding and growth to take place - despite the external conditions we may find ourselves in. We are the ones we have been waiting for and it is up to us to open the door within ourselves and allow our known and unknown potential to emerge.

With this in mind, I invite you to contemplate the Conscious Conversation Topic which is ALLOWING. More specifically, what aspect of yourself or possibility in your life is wanting to emerge?

** Please share your comments by posting to this topic here.

1 comment:

Jennifer H. Mulholland said...

Monday night's Conscious Conversation on Allowing was stimulating and wonderful. Here are some personal reflections of what I need to allow more of in my own life as a result of my conversations with those present.

1. I need to allow myself to enjoy walking instead of resisting it. Walking for me has always been boring and I don't view it as a true form of exercise - yes, that is a limiting belief. With the hip pain I have been experiencing lately, I am forced not to run, and walking seems to be a reasonable option or outlet. So, after speaking with Mike, I walked away with a realization that I can turn this limiting belief around and choose to view walking as a gift. Walking will allow me to move, something that my heart and soul desperately seek. Walking in the beautiful, fresh Park City air will force me to be present with nature and myself. So here goes.